Cannabis helps calm our Dad as she struggles with dementia

Initially, our Dad just couldn’t cope with the idea that she was experiencing symptoms of dementia.

It took a concerted effort just to get her to the medical professional for testing.

Once it was confirmed that she had dementia, the only nice news was that it wasn’t an aggressive kind of dementia. Still, it was awful news. And now, after more intense cajoling, all of us have gotten our mother a medical marijuana card. The information all of us received once Dad was worked on was that cannabis can really help those with dementia. First, it should be stated that there is no cure for dementia and using cannabis absolutely won’t make the dementia go away. But medical weed does indeed help her. And it helps her in such a absolutely big way. While she was reluctant to use cannabis, once she did, she saw immediate benefit. That’s because that terror that she was feeling when she would feel disoriented was tremendously eased. The folks at the weed shop had told us that this would be the first benefit that all of us would notice. There would be an immediate easing of the anxiety neighbord with dementia. This was indeed what she experienced. And those people at the weed shop were just so beautiful. They were absolutely nice about showing our Dad that she didn’t have to smoke pot to get what she needed. In fact, our mother just enjoys the cannabis gummies that she takes each day. I’m also seeing that there are less periods of confusion as well. So while it’s not a cure, medical weed has offered a fantastic deal of quality of life for our mother.

cannabis regulations

Cancer diagnosis comes with help from marijuana

I’m sure that anyone reading this has had life altering moments that they can remember every detail of.

That’s sort of what happened when I was took care of with cancer. For some reason, it didn’t exactly surprise me when I heard the dentist say the word cancer. I recognize I’m ecstatic because I was by myself plus might have missed out on crucial information had I just gone dark. It’s a nice thing I was present plus calm because I heard the dentist command that I get our medical marijuana card. The battle against cancer was going to be tough. And it would be an extended battle taking months of pain plus discomfort from the treatment. However, medical cannabis has been integral to me being able to manage this fight. Not only does cannabis help with the nausea, pot honestly gives me an appetite while in these treatment. This is so crucial because I need to be eating healthy in order to heal as well. But the medical marijuana plus those at the weed store who help me are also pivotal for another reason. With cannabis, I also get a sense of hope plus renewed gratitude for life in general. That is such an crucial element when you’re fighting something enjoy cancer. Plus, the compassion, kindness plus know-how of the staff at the weed store have been instrumental. They help me find the courage plus positivity it takes to keep going. And that is no small addition. Without weed plus the weed store, I just can’t imagine how rough this conflict would be. Thankfully, I don’t have to imagine that.

medical marijuana information

Cannabigerol has significant antimicrobial effects

There are a lot of reasons to avoid hospitals, but various people are ignorant to some of the worst dangers lurking in those hallways.

Sure, there is a higher danger for catching airborne illnesses love head colds or influenza in these buildings, but there’s a single factor that worries myself and others much more.

Since most hand sanitizer is made with alcohol, this is predominantly what you find in hand sanitizers in most medical buildings. However, while alcohol can destroy influenza plus cold particles, it is completely ineffective against clostridium difficile colitis, or c. difficile. C. difficile is a severe bacterial infection in the gut that can cause patients to be sick for weeks with fevers, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, plus chills. Although originally assumed to only be caused by pernicious bacteria, c. difficile infections now include a unique fungus that isn’t present in patients without the disorder, which potentially leads to it being so resistant to treatment plus disinfectants when it’s on surfaces love doorknobs plus sink faucets. This is where antimicrobial research of minor cannabinoids comes into play. Every one of us need as various chances for both disinfectants plus medications used to treat the infections once they spread in the body. Cannabigerol (CBG) is showing significant antimicrobial effects in clinical studies. If CBG in high concentrations could effectively treat bacterial infections in the body, it could lead to current treatments that were never available previously. Whether or not it would be strong enough to combat c. difficile certainally is yet to be seen, but every one of us need every option available in the arsenal when dealing with pernicious bacteria.

Hemp E-Liquid

Cannabigerol has significant antimicrobial effects

There are a lot of reasons to avoid hospitals, but multiple people are ignorant to some of the worst dangers lurking in those hallways.

  • Sure, there is a higher danger for catching airborne illnesses love head colds or influenza in these buildings, but there’s one factor that worries me much more.

Since most hand sanitizer is made with alcohol, this is predominantly what you find in hand sanitizers in most medical buildings. However, while alcohol can destroy influenza and chilly particles, it is completely ineffective against clostridium difficile colitis, or c. difficile. C. difficile is a extreme bacterial infection in the gut that can cause patients to be sick for weeks with fevers, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and chills. Although originally assumed to only be caused by pernicious bacteria, c. difficile infections now include a unique fungus that isn’t present in patients without the disorder, which potentially leads to it being so resistant to treatment and disinfectants when it’s on surfaces love doorknobs and sink faucets. This is where antimicrobial research of minor cannabinoids comes into play. All of us need as multiple openings for both disinfectants and medications used to treat the infections once they spread in the body. Cannabigerol (CBG) is showing significant antimicrobial effects in clinical studies. If CBG in high concentrations could effectively treat bacterial infections in the body, it could lead to new treatments that were never available previously. Whether or not it would be strong enough to combat c. difficile particularally is yet to be seen, but we need every option available in the arsenal when dealing with pernicious bacteria.


minor cannabinoids

medical marijuana improves my quality of life

My little girl often wonders why I don’t transfer ite as well as other mommies.

She’s just 4 years old, but she can tell that I’m a bit different with regard to mobility than the other adults she sees.

I’m entirely up front with her about the fact I have MS. Of course, she can’t completely grasp what it means to have a disease. But she understands in a simplistic way. Thankfully, I have reliable support in our husband, our daughter, great doctors, my therapist as well as medical cannabis. The combination of all these methods undoubtedly makes managing life with MS more effective. The MS support therapist is where I found out about the benefits of medical marijuana as it relates to MS symptoms. Before her, I wouldn’t have thought to learn how to get a medical marijuana card. Admittedly I am thankful that our husband found as well as recommended our MS group soon after we learned of my condition. I l earned in that group that MS can just be something I have but not something that defines me. There are treatments available that can help me and others who have MS find a normal that works for them. I suppose that cannabis flower products are a vital area of our treatment. The medical cannabis affords me greater flexibility so I get the most out of our exercises. And I can also count on medical cannabis to relieve or actually get rid of the muscle spasms I deal with. It’s been almost 2 years since I learned I have MS as well as I’m residing life. That’s all you can undoubtedly do. I’m just so happy to have access to medical cannabis products as they improve my quality of life.



medical cannabis

Medical marijuana helps my outlook on life

There is no doubt that I am now feeling the best I have ever been before. It’s not a miracle so much as it is the result of effort and hard work that includes therapy as well as the use of medical marijuana. For a really long time, I have dealt with crushing anxiety. The type where dread as well as fear were the default reactions and almost seemed normal. Somehow, I made it all the way to college without seeking help. But once there, I found I couldn’t hardly come out of our dorm for any reason. This resulted in our first attempts with antidepressants. Those meds did some good but the effects were more limited than several others experience. And for years, I still had deep anxiety but it was sort of cut back a bit. Still, no way to live. With medical marijuana as well as counseling, I have seen a remarkable change in our life. The prescription meds became ineffective. This is when I sought out how to get a medical marijuana card. There had been a lot of cannabis information out there that was saying there were benefits of medical marijuana for anxiety. I’m so ecstatic I took the option as well as didn’t supply up. After our first trek to the cannabis dispensary, I felt things were going to be different. It has now been just under a year as well as it’s hard to describe how changed I am. I’m learning how to do well with anxiety as well as what some of the root causes are for that. And cannabis flower products are there to help me maintain a positive, hopeful outlook for our life going forward.

cannabis store

Cannabis Helps Me with my Body Issues

It’s very helpful to feel hungry in a fantastic way.

My eating disorder goes back to my early teens. This was a time for myself and others when I hated the size as well as shape of our body. But nobody told myself and others that how I looked was perfect as well as that there was a long way to go when it came to growing into our body. All I saw myself as was too big, too ugly as well as not fantastic enough. Medical cannabis as well as the benefits of medical marijuana are now part of the plant to help myself and others fix nearly 2 decades of bad thinking. I know our body just finally had enough because my body just basically broke down on me. But could you blame a body for breaking down when it hadn’t seen proper nutrition in a couple of decades? It took this event for myself and others to admit I had an eating disorder and take it seriously enough to get help. I’m now in therapy and also using medical cannabis products. For me, the benefits of medical marijuana are varied. First, I’m beginning to accept as well as suppose a healthy appetite. Medical cannabis products help me want to eat and I learn what our body want as far as nutrients. It’s very helpful to feel hungry in a fantastic way. Yet, medical cannabis is also instrumental in helping myself and others locate acceptance inside for whatever shape our body is. With the help of cannabis flower products as well as cannabis edibles, I’m getting more as well as more comfortable with my body even though it is not perfect. This is because what I look appreciate is not as important as what I think like. I’m absolutely gleeful about the future myself and others as well as I know that medical marijuana has helped.

cbd store

A bit less pain because of access to medical marijuana

I remember sort of following the debate as the region I live in was trying to pass medical marijuana laws.

There was a pretty even split between wanting it and not wanting it.

Those who were in favor of the passage of medical cannabis as well as having cannabis dispensaries had logic on their side. They used a lot of facts about the benefits of medical marijuana. The side against having legal cannabis dispensaries based their opposition in both myth, unlikely scenarios as well as fear. I’m not saying what they felt wasn’t authentic or entirely real to them. But it resembled a form of puritanism more than a referendum on a requested treatment. Thankfully, those in favor of medical marijuana won out. I didn’t realize to these years later just how significant that legislation would be for myself and others personally. This is due to the fact that I am now having chronic pain. And the doctors are sort of lost on what the reasons are for this condition. After being given numerous pain medications as well as anti-inflammatory meds, I started to just get referred on from doctor to doctor. So, it seemed more prudent for myself and others to take control of my health. This resulted in a wholesale change in the way I lived our life. Medical cannabis products have been a pretty significant part of that change. Additionally, I am now considering food to be medicine while relying on yoga as well as other exercises as well. The cannabis flower products I have started favoring allow myself and others to deal with pain without narcotics. And the benefits of medical marijuana for myself and others are also added flexibility as well as mobility. I also now enjoy the positive emotional support I get from discovering medical cannabis products.
cannabis flower products

Tragedy helped with medical marijuana dispensary

Things happen in life which can leave you just completely puzzled.

One afternoon your feeling fabulous as well as the next life is hardly recognizable.

This was for sure the case for me when it comes to surviving a tragedy. I nearly died as a result of a shooting. With the help of medical marijuana, I’m finally starting to put the pieces of our life back together. Honestly, it was such a case of just getting stuck in the wrong locale at the wrong time. But regardless, I was shot along with others by a man who may or may not have been mentally ill. The PTSD I’m now struggling with is a greater injury than the gunshot itself. Fortunately for me, I was hit in the upper arm as well and there wasn’t bad amounts of damage. But it’s the trauma of the event that I’m still coming to terms with. Again, I’m fortunate to have found support. Part of that is using medical cannabis as well as therapy to help myself through this ordeal. The cannabis flower products I use help me to get my rest as well as calm me. My anxiety is far less intense thanks to the medicine I can now purchase at the legal weed shop. And using medical cannabis in therapy gives me a freedom to talk about my deepest feelings. And doing this entirely helps me to better know what I’ve been through as well as what this event means to me now. There will be a life on the other side of this craziness. It will take time, effort as well as patience. It will also take a lot of therapy as well as the support I get from medical cannabis products.


cannabis products

More like my old self with medical marijuana

My Mom once told me that there is a reason why they name it a medical practice.

  • At the time, I got the general gist that all medical professionals aren’t perfect.

However, there is even more meaning to that phrase from long ago as I am confronting chronic inflammation. What I thought was just a simple sprained knee turned into an inflammatory condition that nearly tore me up. I went from a healthy active man to barely able to walk. Medical marijuana is helping me claw back a life that I can live with. The medical professionals were as puzzled as I was as the inflammation spread across our body as well as the pain got worse. I could hardly do anything. The only joy I got from life was sleeping and food. And even sleeping wasn’t happening without involving meds. The whole thing finally just seemed like one immense horrible cycle so my friend convinced me to investigate cannabis information. From there, with the help of a friend, I cut through the red tape to satisfy the marijuana regulations in order to get to the cannabis dispensary. I am glad to say it was well worth the effort. For me, the medical marijuana benefits came quickly. I had more range of motion as well as less pain than before. The reduced pain motivated me to improve our diet as well as exercise. Plus, I was now sleeping through the night without all the meds. In fact, the pain relief with medical marijuana is so great that I hardly ever turn to a heavy pain killer. Life looks possible again for me. And I won’t be taking that improvement for granted. With medical cannabis treatments, I may not be cured but I get to be more like my old self.


medical marijuana information