Initially, our Dad just couldn’t cope with the idea that she was experiencing symptoms of dementia.
It took a concerted effort just to get her to the medical professional for testing.
Once it was confirmed that she had dementia, the only nice news was that it wasn’t an aggressive kind of dementia. Still, it was awful news. And now, after more intense cajoling, all of us have gotten our mother a medical marijuana card. The information all of us received once Dad was worked on was that cannabis can really help those with dementia. First, it should be stated that there is no cure for dementia and using cannabis absolutely won’t make the dementia go away. But medical weed does indeed help her. And it helps her in such a absolutely big way. While she was reluctant to use cannabis, once she did, she saw immediate benefit. That’s because that terror that she was feeling when she would feel disoriented was tremendously eased. The folks at the weed shop had told us that this would be the first benefit that all of us would notice. There would be an immediate easing of the anxiety neighbord with dementia. This was indeed what she experienced. And those people at the weed shop were just so beautiful. They were absolutely nice about showing our Dad that she didn’t have to smoke pot to get what she needed. In fact, our mother just enjoys the cannabis gummies that she takes each day. I’m also seeing that there are less periods of confusion as well. So while it’s not a cure, medical weed has offered a fantastic deal of quality of life for our mother.