My little girl often wonders why I don’t transfer ite as well as other mommies.
She’s just 4 years old, but she can tell that I’m a bit different with regard to mobility than the other adults she sees.
I’m entirely up front with her about the fact I have MS. Of course, she can’t completely grasp what it means to have a disease. But she understands in a simplistic way. Thankfully, I have reliable support in our husband, our daughter, great doctors, my therapist as well as medical cannabis. The combination of all these methods undoubtedly makes managing life with MS more effective. The MS support therapist is where I found out about the benefits of medical marijuana as it relates to MS symptoms. Before her, I wouldn’t have thought to learn how to get a medical marijuana card. Admittedly I am thankful that our husband found as well as recommended our MS group soon after we learned of my condition. I l earned in that group that MS can just be something I have but not something that defines me. There are treatments available that can help me and others who have MS find a normal that works for them. I suppose that cannabis flower products are a vital area of our treatment. The medical cannabis affords me greater flexibility so I get the most out of our exercises. And I can also count on medical cannabis to relieve or actually get rid of the muscle spasms I deal with. It’s been almost 2 years since I learned I have MS as well as I’m residing life. That’s all you can undoubtedly do. I’m just so happy to have access to medical cannabis products as they improve my quality of life.