Author: Ralph

Lyme disease actually messed me up

I’m just so grateful that I have people in our life who are out there rooting for myself and others and actively helping myself and others out when it comes to this new life challenge. I was bitten by a fat tick while on vacation and contracted with Lyme disease. Prior to reading how to […]

Back pain management with using medical cannabis

Isn’t it ironic that our back concerns actually are related to an old football injury. Just saying that out loud seems so trite and hackneyed. But it’s the even-handed truth. And before I discovered medical marijuana, my old football injury was taking a real toll on our life. The injury itself wasn’t that terrible when […]

My anxiety was reduced with cannabis products

I can hardly tell you how our life has unfolded this way. For the longest time, I actually thought that I was doomed to a life of dread, dread, panic and anxiety. That was all I had actually known since highschool. But then I was given some medical marijuana info that changed our entire life, […]