I got burnt badly by the torch

My friends and I regularly use marijuana products.

Most of the time we vape concentrate.

Concentrate is a super potent form of marijuana that usually has 60% THC or higher. Concentrate is easily one of the best marijuana products and definitely one of the cheapest when it comes to price per gram and session. I can make a gram of wax last a lot longer than a gram of marijuana flower. In order to vape concentrate, the marijuana has to be turned Into a vapor and that tastes a high amount of heat. I use a torch to heat up the nail that I use for vaping concentrate products. Last night I was heating up my porch when the dog ran into the room and knocked the torch over. It fell onto my arm and I was burned badly. The skin on my arm bubbled up like a blister. I tried to run cold water over the burn, but I think it made things worse. I was starting to go into shock. My roommate was home at the time. I started yelling for the guy to come to my room. He saw me in the bathroom and started to freak out too. I told him to keep it together, because I wasn’t going to. We went directly to the hospital emergency room. When the nurse found out how the accident occurred, she had a strange look on her face like I deserved to get burned because I was smoking marijuana. She never said anything strange to me, but I could tell that she was not pro-marijuana.
Local cannabis cafe

I tried to order online for hours yesterday

Ever since mass shootings started to become a normal part of our everyday life, I have been scared of leaving my home.

I see a therapist over the phone and online three times each week to help me deal with and overcome this issue.

I currently use medical marijuana to help with the anxiety. I order medical marijuana products from a delivery service in the city. The delivery service will only deliver to my address if I order a day ahead of time. I live outside of the zone, but the manager knows my situation and I always order several hundreds of dollars worth of cannabis supplies. I tried to order online yesterday, and it was a total nightmare. The first time I tried to order, my entire shopping cart was full of items. I didn’t even remember everything I added to the cart, when I had to do it all over again. The second time the cart items disappeared, I got frustrated and decided not to order from that dispensary. I reconsidered after looking at the prices of marijuana in the local shops.When I decided to order for the third time, I called the marijuana shop. I ordered everything that I needed with a representative over the phone. I did not want the same problem to happen again and I wanted my order to be ready for delivery on the following day. The bartender was very nice and kind and she double repeated the order to make sure it was accurate. I should receive my items in a few hours.


Read more about cannabis

My mom went berserk when she found the bag of weed

Marijuana has been legal for recreational and medical use in this state for the past 5 years.

I’ve only been old enough to purchase recreational marijuana for the past 2 years.

I tried smoking weed with my friends and I thought the effects were fun and enjoyable. I don’t use recreational marijuana all the time, but it is a really nice release when I have had a terrible day. It is equally nice to use on the weekends when I want to hang out and relax with my friends. I work at a job that does not care if I smoke weed, so I don’t have to worry about losing my job. Even though it is legal, some employers can still request employees not use the medication. My parents do not believe that marijuana should be considered a medication. I never told them that I was using marijuana for recreational purposes. One day my mom called me, because she got a flat tire and she could not change that tire on her own. She knew that I was right around the corner having some lunch with friends. I knew it wouldn’t take more than 10 or 15 minutes to change the tire, so I went to help my mom. I told my mom to sit in my car while I changed the tire. I didn’t want her to be outside in the heat. I didn’t think she would Snoop around in my car. She found a bag of recreational marijuana in the glove compartment and immediately started to ask me a thousand different questions.


Marijuana delivery service

I found someone to cover my shift at the shop

I was supposed to work at the marijuana delivery service on Friday night, but my girlfriend won tickets from a radio contest and we had a chance to see our favorite band at the arena.

I asked my boss if he could give me off the time, but he was insistent that he needed me to work because we were going to be busy with marijuana deliveries. He did tell me that I could take the time off if I found someone to cover the shift. I contacted all of the guys and girls that I work with and I asked everyone to switch shifts with me. Nobody wanted to switch for a Friday night. I didn’t find anyone who was willing to cover my shift, and I was prepared to call the boss and tell him that I was sick. I knew there was a chance that I would get fired from the marijuana delivery service for lying, but I could not give up the tickets and send my girlfriend to the show with someone else. Luckily my friend Jack called me in the morning on Friday to tell me that he wanted to pick up the shift. He was supposed to have dinner with his girlfriend, but she had to cancel and he didn’t want to sit at home when he could be earning money. The guy totally saved my life and my job. I thanked him a million times and told him to let me know if he ever needed a shift covered because I would be happy to return the favor.

recreational cannabis dispensary

The shelf broke and we had glass all over the place

The first thing that happened was a call from a customer that thought we had their order incorrect

There are no marijuana stores allowed in this county even though recreational and medical marijuana are legal in the state. Each county can make their own laws. This county says they will not have any stores at all. They do allow delivery services, which I think is completely and totally ridiculous. I was hired to work at one of the marijuana delivery services, after my mom told a friend that I was looking for a job. I started working at the service indoors. I was hoping that I would be able to work as a delivery driver, but apparently you have to be 25 years old in order to get the insurance that you need to be a marijuana delivery driver. Working in the store has some perks, but I don’t get any tips. I get to see all the demos and free samples when they come in and I always get to try new stuff for free. I also get a discount on marijuana which is a great thing because I use recreational products. At the delivery service, there are always some nights when everything seems to go wrong. Monday night was one of these nights and I was ready to throw in the towel and go home. The first thing that happened was a call from a customer that thought we had their order incorrect. It turned out to be an error on the side of the customer but that didn’t stop the guy from yelling at me for 10 minutes. After that, I was grabbing a jar of concentrate from a shelf above my head that has concentrate and glass jars of tincture. My elbow hit the side of the shelf and it fell to the ground and broke.
recreational pot

CBD for my headaches

When I entered high school I started experiencing troubles with headaches.

  • Usually it was from lack of sleep, dehydration and stress.

As I have gotten older my headaches have changed into full blown migraines. I have learned to know the signs of a migraine and I preemptively medicate when I can. Sometimes that doesn’t even help though. I will be down on the couch for hours. I am sensitive to light, sounds and will occasionally vomit due to the pain. I used to get pills from my local doctor to help with my severe cases. However I started worrying about long term health complications. That is when I turned to cannabis. This is a more natural remedy and easier to obtain. Rather than going to a doctor’s office all the time, I just go once a year to renew my medical marijuana card. I just needed to be 21 years of age, fill out the papers and pay the fee. It has been worth all the work. The budtender at the medical weed shop recomenedd that I rely on CBD products. I vape CBD oil for my headaches now. I smoke just about everyday to reduce my stress levels. I also am better about hydrating. I even found that the CBD product is helpful for my sleep too. I get less headaches coming on. When they do appear, the effects of the CBD product makes the headaches not as potent. It was such a smart move changing over to cannabis. I don’t deal with side effects anymore.


Local CBD candies near me

I kept forgetting the difference between sativa and Indica.

I was in the medical marijuana dispensary last week, and I told them I was looking for something new to try. They have recently diagnosed me with fibromyalgia after years of doctors telling me they could find nothing wrong. I had severe pain throughout my entire body. The doctor had suggested medical marijuana‌. It took me six months to ‌save enough money to not just get my medical marijuana ID card, but to purchase the marijuana products I needed. The first time I went into the marijuana dispensary, I know exactly what I was getting. The doctor told me different strains to look at, some for daytime and some for nighttime, and I had it all written‌. When I went back to the marijuana dispensary two months later, I couldn’t remember the difference between Sativa and Indica. I knew ‌one was for sleep and the other for bedtime, but I could not remember which. I remember my husband telling me that Sativa was for… I thought he said sleep. Then I overheard someone say Indica could be synonymous with in bed. So should I buy sativa to help me sleep or Indica before I go to bed? I thought maybe I should reach out to the budtender at the marijuana dispensary. I didn’t want to use the wrong medical marijuana and end up sleeping all day and awake all night. He smiled when I asked and told me that many people can’t remember. Indica in bed was proper, but Sativa was for sunlight. Indica is for sleeping and sativa is for daytime use.

medical marijuana education

Of all the cannabis dispensaries in the area, she had to come into this one.

I love my cousin, but his choice of wives drives me nuts.

  • I like her, but only in short spurts.

When I got married, I was looking for a man who treated me well and had some maturity tone. Never did I think ‌I was going to find someone who was born on the day I graduated from high school. I don’t believe he thought that way either, but somehow it happened. She reminds me more of my granddaughters than she does of a 60-year-old man’s wife. My cousin uses medical marijuana to help with his Parkinson’s disease. Often, she will go to pick up his order. I never thought I would see her in the marijuana dispensary since I lived almost 50 miles away from where she was. The other afternoon, however, I was standing in line waiting to pick up my online order at the marijuana dispensary. I always put in my order for medical marijuana so that it makes it quicker to get in and out of the store. I no longer drive, and my husband is usually waiting in the car for me and online ordering is so much easier than standing in line. I was just paying for my medical marijuana when my cousin’s wife walked in. Of all the cannabis dispensaries in the entire area, I couldn’t understand why she came to this one. I would’ve asked her, but she didn’t see me as I turned around to walk out the door. I’m sure she had she would’ve come yelling at me to come back and talk to her until she finished her medical marijuana order.
medical cannabis store

It takes a special talent to make gummies out of medical marijuana.

One of my husband started getting medical marijuana. I laughed. They gave him tinctures to use, and every time he tried to use one tincture, he would gag. I had to laugh at him, but I knew there was something I should be able to do to make the use of medical marijuana easier on him. I found a website that gives several recipes for edibles that use THC. I found that by tweaking them a little, I could make gummies, hard candy, lollipops, cakes and cookies, and other food products. My husband told the budtender at the medical marijuana dispensary about the delicious Gummies and candies that I was making for him. The young man told him that making Gummies is really hard. Is it takes a really special type of cooking talent to ‌get the Gummies gummy? It told him that every time he tried making gummies out of medical marijuana; they ended up syrupy inside, or like old licorice. My husband laughed. He told the budtender that if anybody could learn how to cook with medical marijuana, it would be his wife. I would’ve liked to be there to hear if he actually said things like he said he did because it would’ve been one of the biggest compliments he had ever given me. I know many people are telling me how my husband compliments me when I’m not with him, but I don’t know if I want people to think that I am the queen of cooking with medical marijuana.

cannabis education

Is it possible to get high on medical cannabis?

When I had medical marijuana prescribed to me, my only fear about taking it was the fear getting high.

I didn’t want to walk around high all day long.

I had a lot of responsibilities while watching my grandchildren throughout the day. After the grandkids at home, I worked. I put two days in working from home, take care of my husband, make all the meals, and clean my house all after the kids got home. I don’t have time to sit around and get high all day long. When the doctor suggested the marijuana for my arthritis, the first thing I asked was, ‘If this was going to make me high?’. The doctor told me ‌it all depended on the type of medical marijuana I took. He suggests I get something that had more CBD than THC, but I didn’t know the difference. That’s when he suggested ‌I talked to the marijuana dispensary pharmacist. He said that he/she could recommend something that would help with the pain and not make me high or sleepy. I was really hoping he was right, because there was no way I would want someone to come into my house and think that I was high will take care of my grandkids. My kids would yank their babies out of my house quickly, and would never allow them with me again unless they supervised them. I don’t like the idea that there’s so much stigma on me, even though the marijuana I use is medical marijuana. I’m going to need to keep everything that is associated with CBD out of sight.

cannabis cartridge products