I found someone to cover my shift at the shop

I was supposed to work at the marijuana delivery service on Friday night, but my girlfriend won tickets from a radio contest and we had a chance to see our favorite band at the arena.

I asked my boss if he could give me off the time, but he was insistent that he needed me to work because we were going to be busy with marijuana deliveries. He did tell me that I could take the time off if I found someone to cover the shift. I contacted all of the guys and girls that I work with and I asked everyone to switch shifts with me. Nobody wanted to switch for a Friday night. I didn’t find anyone who was willing to cover my shift, and I was prepared to call the boss and tell him that I was sick. I knew there was a chance that I would get fired from the marijuana delivery service for lying, but I could not give up the tickets and send my girlfriend to the show with someone else. Luckily my friend Jack called me in the morning on Friday to tell me that he wanted to pick up the shift. He was supposed to have dinner with his girlfriend, but she had to cancel and he didn’t want to sit at home when he could be earning money. The guy totally saved my life and my job. I thanked him a million times and told him to let me know if he ever needed a shift covered because I would be happy to return the favor.

recreational cannabis dispensary