Author: Ralph

Spa trip, marijuana shopping, and fun

It didn’t really dawn on me until just before I surprised my partner Ed that where he and I were heading, recreational marijuana was legal. I’ve been accused of not being at all spontaneous plus less than sentimental at times. While those characteristics have some kernel of truth, I’m madly in love with Ed. I […]

SEO companies offer a variety of odd services

SEO and advertising companies offer a wide variety of benefits. Marketing companies will help grow a business. Marketing companies get paid to understand the audience and clientele. Marketing companies are paid to understand sales trends. To help boost online advertising. Pay per click advertising, also called PPC, is a model that includes advertisers paying for […]

Our old and outdated website was rough

I honestly needed to change those statistics Every few nights my buddy Ed and I were receiving complaints about the website for the cannabis shop. I knew that it was very strenuous to navigate and some of the attachments were broken, but I did not know who to help me. When Ed and I opened […]

Mom said she wouldn’t use medical marijuana.

Whenever my Mom was adamantly against something, she would tell me that she would not think about it until she saw pigs fly. When the state talked about legalizing medical marijuana, Mom said she would think about it until she saw pigs fly, however earlier last year, Mom was having several complications that came with […]

Let’s discuss medical cannabis.

My brother Max had been talking about opening a cannabis dispensary ever since he learned they may legalize medical marijuana soon. Max told me I could be his first customer, as well as my first order would be on him. I wrote blogs about medical cannabis laws in other states. It wasn’t very simple to […]

How can you be sure that medical marijuana helps?

I was talking to a local healthcare expert who was supposed to specialize in medical marijuana. I had just one simple question I wanted him to answer. How can he be sure medical marijuana will help me? He gave me an indifferent look as well as told me that medical marijuana was the newest wonder […]