Once you graduate college there isn’t really a lot for an adult to do for fun.
There are no more sporting events, clubs, music events, and group activities.
Everyone seems to work and mess around with their kids. I was lucky that I found a beer league hockey team. Every weekend the guys and I play around on our designated ice time. We aren’t very good but it is a lot of fun. The games get rough though. It isn’t out of the norm to be shoved around and flop all over the ice. I also get sore from skating, shooting, and checking into other players. By the end of a game I am totally black and blue. I used to do ice baths and icy hot. Then I realized there is something way better for the pain. I live near a recreational marijuana dispensary. They sell all sorts of fun products. My go to is the cannabis bath bombs. It is just a fizzy bomb you put in the bath that releases and soothes the muscles. It doesn’t get into my bloodstream to get me high. All it does is reduce inflammation and relaxes me a bit. I have a few different scents. I have an orange, lily, vanilla, lavendare, and cinnamon when I am feeling really crazy. It has now become a tradition for me. I play my hockey game, put in a bath bomb, grab a glass of wine, my favorite book and then I soak for an hour before bed. I get where I really look forward to my weekends. I don’t admit to the other guys how much I am enjoying soaking in my tub. It might be better than hockey.