When she asked her doctor what CBD oil was and he explained that it was a derivative of the hemp plant she freaked out.
Changing an older person’s way of thinking is always a difficult task. I get this, because they have done things the way they have for so many years and have lived life’s experiences that we have not. My grandmother was born in the fifties and has a totally different view of many things than I do. She thinks that most people don’t know what they’re talking about and that her opinion is always right. You can just imagine how she took the news when her doctor recommended that she use CBD oil to help with her arthritis pain. Although this is not an FDA approved form of treatment he is a holistic doctor and felt that she may benefit from its use. When she asked her doctor what CBD oil was and he explained that it was a derivative of the hemp plant she freaked out. She started saying that she wasn’t a pothead and there was no way she was going to use marijuana to fix anything. Explain to her that it was not the street form of marijuana that she would be using but rather a derivative of the hemp plant that did not contain any THC. He said that many of his patients had wonderful results when using the CBD oil to ease the pain of arthritis and even told her that she could use it in a cream form if she liked or she could simply use the oils once a day under her tongue. He did say that she would probably get more results from the ladder form and if she was willing to give it a try he knew of a reputable dispensary where she could get the products.