The cannabis edibles were all over $20

Paid holiday is one of the best perks of having a full-time task. When I finally started working at the bank, I automatically qualified for 2 weeks of paid holiday. I could take the two weeks of paid holiday anytime after I was there for 90 days. I also qualified for medical, dental, and free life insurance from the corporation starting on day one. I worked at the bank for approximately 9 months and after that I decided to take my two week holiday; one of my friends was getting married and she wanted me to be there for the anniversary. The event was planned for many months and I knew that it was going to be a lot of stress and work. I wanted to take recreational marijuana products with me, because I knew prices on marijuana would be much higher in the other states. The location has only had legal recreational marijuana products for the last year. I also knew there was no way that I was going to be able to get marijuana on the plane, so I got stuck paying those high prices when I wanted marijuana for the two weeks that I was there for the anniversary. I finally went to a shop close to the hotel where I was staying and all of the edibles were over $20. I’m used to being able to get a package of 100 mg for 9 or 10 bucks and all of the edibles were at least $20 or more. I also spent a lot more money on recreational marijuana after that I hoped I would during that 2 week period.
Cannabis for sale