We had fun walking around downtown

A couple of weeks ago, a new girl started classes at the college.

She’s in my chemistry class.

Since she joined class a week late, she needed someone to catch her up on everything that was discussed in the first three lectures. I am known for taking excellent notes, so I raised my hand and offered to help her out. The professor told us to exchange phone numbers. That was the easiest time I ever had trying to get a girl’s number. I barely had to open my mouth and the professor did all of the work. About a week later, I got up the nerve to ask Patty if she wanted to have dinner with me. She was really excited and told me that she was waiting for me to ask her out. We went downtown to a place where I like to visit. The downtown area has lots of shopping, bars, restaurants, and a couple of neat and interesting marijuana shops. Patty said she had never used recreational marijuana, so I thought it might be neat and interesting to go to a recreational marijuana dispensary that has a small seating area. I bought a recreational marijuana joint from the dispensary and Patty and I sat in the corner of the room. There were a couple of other people seated in the lounge, but Patty and I were by ourselves in the corner. We smoked the whole joint together, but I definitely had a lot more than Patty day. We had a lot of fun walking around downtown after we were relaxed and giggly.
