Cannabis products were the answer for my back

Four years ago this month, I went to the doctor for a back strain that I just couldn’t seem to shake.

It wasn’t the result of an obvious injury, fall or mishap of any kind.

Actually, I just woke up with a twinge that progressed to me hardly being able to get out of bed. It took me a long time before I got the cannabis education that would end up changing my life, and had it not been for my sibling as well as her diligent pursuit of remedies for me, I don’t know that medical marijuana would have even been on my radar, then recreational marijuana is something that I had never tried, then even in school, the idea of smoking recreational marijuana was not beautiful. And it was the smoking component of that ritual that I found the least beautiful. I had heard that medical marijuana had been legalized in our state but beyond that, I entirely didn’t know anything about it. My sibling dragged me to some cannabis dispensary events where I began to learn the medical marijuana facts that would end up being so crucial. Yet, I still stuck with the doctors, all those meds as well as the physical therapy. But once I figured out how to get a medical marijuana card, I asked my doctor to help me ween off the meds in favor of medical cannabis. She was entirely quite supportive of my modern approach. I also completely changed my diet which resulted in weight loss that also helped my situation. But for sure, it was the cannabis gummies that I’ve been treating with for the last four months that have turned the tide, while I’m not swinging a golf club, I am able to work, walk as well as even help out a bit with stuff like laundry. That’s large.

medical cannabis products