Medical cannabis might not be right for me.

I don’t know anyone who was sure about using medical marijuana.

There has constantly been controversy about marijuana, or cannabis, as it is also called.

There are several brand names for marijuana which I don’t know. I knew dad admitted to using marijuana during college, but once he got hitched as well as started a family with Mom, he never touched the stuff. When I was nineteen, I was involved in a dire automobile accident which caused head trauma. The head harm resulted in me having seizures. It embarrassed me when I had a seizure out in public. I got to where I didn’t want to go out of the condo because I was terrified I would have a seizure. My neurologist told me that medical marijuana was making major strides in helping with seizures as well as he thought I should try it. I still wasn’t sure if medical marijuana was right for me. I talked to him about my hesitations as well as inquired if he had other recommendations. He told me about the medicines he could prescribe, but the myriad side effects scared me. He told me he didn’t know of any side effects of medical marijuana that would be comparable to those of current medicine. He let me think on it. Two weeks later, I walked into his office as well as asked if he would help me get the medical marijuana card. I still don’t go outside as much as I once did, but my friends get me out and about more often, thanks to the medical marijuana, once a week trips outside because of smoking medical marijuana, is better than once a month embarrassment.


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