I typically cherish an edible

It is a tasty meal that leaves me feeling peaceful, calm & slightly exhausted

When it comes to cannabis & consumption methods, I would much rather eat my weed over smoking it! An edible is my go to product. Why? It is just so easy. Any other form of cannabis requires so much work with it. I also don’t feel they are as adaptable. The world of edibles is vast; You don’t have to stick with the proper pot brownie anymore. There are tons of baked goods like cakes, cookies, pies & chocolate bars. You can get taxing candy, gummies, mints & gums, but looking for something less sweet? You can choose a tablet, oil or mouth spray if that is more your style. There are even cannabis beverages. There are milk based, chocolaty drinks & root budweiser pops. I typically choose a cannabis beverage that is pop-like. I love the wide variety of flavors like yellow, grape, lime & cherry. I also am not opposed to picking up a cannabis cooking product. There are cannabutters that you can use to make your own sweets & cannabis cooking oils. I typically make white pasta with these. I saute my veggies in the cannabis cooking oil & the cannabutter is used to make the alfredo sauce. It is a tasty meal that leaves me feeling peaceful, calm & slightly exhausted. It is easy to use & gives off great effects. Why would I ever want to smoke something? Then I need to deal with all the accessories & disinfect up with it as well. It is so much easier to just chew & swallow.

