I can’t roll my own joints anymore

I used to be a large fan of rolling my own joint.

I loved the whole process.

I would rest down with a podcast planning and go to neighborhood on my joint. I would get out the papers, grinder, ashtray and make it a whole process. It was enjoyable and soothing to me to do my own pre-roll joint. It was like a little reward once I finished it. I suddenly realized that while I like rolling my own joint, I am terrible at it. I respectfully would stuff the paper with too much loose leaf flower and lose half of it in the process. I couldn’t get a tight roll and would end up with a real mess. It was high-priced when I rolled my own stuff. I would buy tons of different strains and not save any money. I then would lose 50% of my product to the floor and my shoddy rolling. After a while I realized that I needed something to do with my hands and just buy pre-rolls. Now when I listen to podcasts I work on knitting. I am pretty wonderful at it and I have already made one scarf. It is fun and I can actually stick a joint in my mouth while I do it. The pre-roll game is just way better. I can buy a pack of them for hardly any money. No, I don’t get the variety of flavors that I used to. That is a wonderful thing though. I save quite a bit of money buying a pack of one flavor rather than numerous different ones. I also get 100% of the product that I pay for. I additionally don’t spend a portion of my time doing scrub up after smoking.


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