I actually was not able to smoke weed after the extraction

I had to get my wisdom teeth removed during this past week.

The dental worker chose to send me to an oral surgeon to have the work completed.

The oral surgeon was scheduled up and busy and I did not get an appointment until 2 months later. By the time I got an appointment, I was in a pretty large amount of pain and ready for the wisdom teeth to come out. The dental worker was able to set me up with an appointment and a couple of mornings later I had the teeth pulled. My mom had to drive me to the appointment, because I had to be sedated for the surgery. I was unable to drive myself to my dwelling after that. One thing that the dental worker said after the extraction was not to smoke marijuana. The dental worker easily knows that I like to smoke marijuana. There’s no reason to hide that from the dental professional, because he can easily see my teeth. I am sure there is nicotine and plant residue on them every time I go see the dental professional. The dental professional told me not to smoke marijuana after the extraction. He was saying that it could lead to dry sockets and that is an immense drawback for people that have had an extraction performed at that dental place. The guy urged me to wait at least 3 mornings before I smoked anything so my mouth would have a reasonable amount of time to heal. It was easy not to smoke the first morning, however I entirely had the desire to get high when I was in too much pain the second morning. I followed the orders and I abstained from reefer until the time was finally up.

Marijuana oils