The rain makes me feel irritable and cranky

The rain makes me feel very irritable and cranky. I prefer sunny skies and dry ground. The mud, muck, and mess makes me feel very crazy. I prefer a day when there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is shining. I don’t even mind if it’s 100 degrees outside as long as it isn;t raining. My mood is so strongly affected by the weather that I had to start taking a daily supplement to feel better. I’m very thankful for medical marijuana. The doctor prescribed me medical marijuana a couple of years ago. At the time, I was living in a place where only medical marijuana was legal. In order to use marijuana, you had to have a license and a card. Now I live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal too and I don’t have to worry so much about getting caught. When I feel irritable and cranky because of the rain, I usually smoke a bowl of marijuana. The marijuana makes me feel much more relaxed and calm. It’s been raining for the last couple of days and I’ve been really stressed out. The dam above the city is spilling over the sides and a lot of people have been evacuated from their homes. My family and I have not been evacuated yet, but there is a lot more water that is supposed to be on the horizon and that could spell trouble for everyone. We are watching the weather and the news everyday so we can keep up with the forecast.

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