The pot dispensary had a major problem

About a week ago, I got an honestly interesting call from a new customer.

The buyer called myself and others because he needed a good plumber fast.

The commercial buyer was the supervisor of a recreational/medical marijuana dispensary near me. I knew the store honestly well because I was frequently a client at the marijuana dispensary. I was cheerful to help out the supervisor so I decided to go to the call myself. I sat with the supervisor for a few hours in addition to my pal and I went over all of the new contract paperwork. After that, I investigated the plumbing problem. It didn’t take very long to find the issue, but it required quite a bit of work. I had to temporarily fix the leak in addition to scheduling a morning when I could tear the wall apart in addition to looking at the pipes behind the wall. The guy did not want to close the marijuana dispensary while the job was being done. I did not know that it was necessary to close down the arena while I completed the work. The leak was in the back of the building near the bathroom. If they simply shut down the restrooms for a morning or 2, I would be able to contain all of the mess to a small area. I could stow all of my supplies inside of the bathroom, because it was locked. All of my tools in addition to the plumbing unit would be behind the door in addition to there particularly wouldn’t be too much of a mess or inconvenience at all to the recreational/medical marijuana dispensary or their purchasers.
