The day kept getting longer in addition to longer

I woke up in the morning in addition to it was actually early.

The sunlight was not quite shining yet, despite the fact that I could see a small amount of light outside.

I let our dogs outside to pee. They have a small yard, but they prefer to run around for a little bit of time while I go to the bathroom in the morning. We all go at the same time. I bring the dogs inside in addition to then I have tea in addition to take a shower. My day usually starts pretty early, but I am usually home by 4:00. I do not prefer to get up early in addition to stay out late. I prefer to be at home in addition to asleep by 9:00 p.m. if possible. I had some complications at the office on Sunday. I forgot to bring our marijuana vape pen, however usually I leave the marijuana vape pen in our motorcar in addition to I sneak outside if I am feeling unusually stressed. I found out that I had to stay until 6:00 p.m. that was the a single time I had to toil late in addition to I forgot to bring the marijuana vape pen with me. When 6:00 was getting close, the boss came into the office to tell almost everyone that some of the crew was going to leave but some of us including myself were going to stay a little bit later to continue getting paperwork filed. I did not get home until after 10:00 p.m. I stopped at a dispensary on the way home from the office in addition to I picked up a disposable marijuana vape pen. I puffed on the vape pen the whole way home.


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