I love getting free weed all the time

I toil at a local laboratory six afternoons a week.

  • I have to get up easily early in the afternoon and that means I have to get to sleep early at night, but a lot of my friends still party late into the evening and well past midnight, and there’s just no way I would be able to stay up that late and still get up on time for my job.

I have to be awake and alert while working at the laboratory. I test many different strains of marijuana for both potency and accuracy. At the laboratory, my pal and I test dozens of different strains every month and label the different parts of the strain. In the state, recreational and medical marijuana products are 100% legal, however each of the products are required to be labeled with certain information. Our laboratory provides this info to the product manufacturer. My friend and I get a lot of marijuana inventory, however my coworkers and I only need a small amount of bud to complete the test. All of the marijuana that is left over after my coworkers and I are done usually gets incinerated. I made friends with a guy that works in the burn room and he takes all of the fine strains for me. All of the buds that look absolutely yummy and flavorful are placed in a bin and once a week, my friend brings the bin to myself and others at my apartment. He and I smoke a bowl of marijuana together and then I give him a couple of bucks for the whole bin of marijuana. It works out absolutely well for both of us and my pal and I do not have to watch all of these delicious marijuana flowers go to waste.


Cannabis delivery