I took the wrong stop on the interstate

I work for a marijuana delivery service in the city.

  • The people I was with and I service all of the areas around the city.

The delivery service section is quite large. I leave the company in the morning with a case full of products to deliver, but sometimes I drive 150 miles in 1 afternoon making deliveries. Throughout the afternoon, customers can call to make additional orders. If I have those items in our automobile already and I am close to the address, then I swing by and make the delivery. I had several deliveries scheduled on Saturday and the weather was rainy and dreary. It was difficult to see with the windshield wipers on high. I ended up taking the wrong exit on the interstate and I got lost while trying to make a delivery. I had to stop at a gas station and park under the awning so I could look at our phone and figure out why I was lost. When I realized that I was on the wrong exit, I got back on the interstate. It was much easier to find the address for the marijuana delivery after I got off the interstate and was on the right road. I actually could have found our way to the address from the other exit, but it would have taken a lot longer and I would have been forced to drive through all of the residential and company areas. It was much easier and quicker to get back on the interstate and go back to the exit that I should have taken in the first site.
Cannabis Education