Stopped the vast amount of store phone calls

For a long time I was aware that I was on the phone constantly, but there were frequent calls to the store, and i realized that our budtenders couldn’t entirely do anything other than answer the phone.

They weren’t able to push sales on the floor or interact with the clients.

It was constant questions love how late is the store open? Do every one of us offer delivery services? What is the deal of the week? I got so frustrated with it. I absolutely thought about getting rid of our phone. I talked to a buddy of mine about it. He works for a digital advertising business, however my buddy advocated optimizing our website. He told me that our website didn’t have any information on it. It basically listed our business plus that was it. I was able to get a deal through him on a current web design, and now people can look through the online menu rather than call the store. I have a budtender upgrade the place every month to showcase what deals are going on, however all of us even have facebook, twitter plus a google business listing. Those deals are highlighted there. Another thing is that curbside pickup plus cannabis delivery are so much easier since the website takes care of that. Now every one of us hardly get phone calls to the store. My budtenders adore this freedom. I am excited that I don’t hear a ringing phone in the background every single day. I finally get peace plus quiet in the store, everyone seems well informed on what is going on with our business too.



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