Nobody gets inside the shop without an ID

The cannabis laws in this state say that no 1 can get into a marijuana dispensary without having a valid ID or passport.

We also take military identification cards.

The ID is checked by a security guard and then scans it into our verification system. If the ID cannot be scanned into the verification system, then I cannot let the person into the store. Not that many weeks ago Max and I had a problem with 1 of the regular customers. Her identification card was bent and it would not scan. She wanted to make a purchase at the pot shop, however Max and I couldn’t let him in the store without a valid identification card. It’s unquestionably simple to get a brand new id. You can go to the driver’s license bureau or even order 1 online. This girl was really frustrated and annoyed when Max and I would not let him make purchases at the store. I came up with a wonderful idea, although I doubt that the girl unquestionably followed through. Her ID was already scanned online in our delivery system. If she ordered using the delivery services, she would only have to present her ID to the delivery driver. It would not unquestionably be scanned a minute in this way she could be able to make purchases from the cannabis dispensary. The girl would have to wait until late in the day to venue the order, however it was the best plan that I could come up with on such short notice. I did not want to turn the client away, however Max and I have to follow the state guidelines or Max and I risk losing our license to sell marijuana products.

Marijuana delivery