It's almost too cold to smoke a joint before work

I like to use recreational marijuana products. They are legal in this state and there are marijuana dispensaries located all over the city. Some of the marijuana dispensaries offer different products than others. Some of the marijuana dispensaries offer delivery services and some only offer in-store pickup. My friends and I usually meet at work about 30 minutes before our shift starts. We work at the tire plant together. The tire plant makes different size tires for many cars and trucks and construction material. Before our day, we meet at the loading docks out back where no one really parks. Then all of us can smoke a marijuana joint together before our day begins. The boss doesn’t really care if we smoke recreational marijuana. Sometimes he comes into the plant smelling like reefer too. It’s legal in this city and state and there are recreational marijuana dispensaries all over the city. It’s really easy to find something flavorful and potent at the marijuana shop. It’s honestly starting to get a little bit too cold to smoke marijuana outside before work. This week, the temperatures have been in the 30s every morning. It’s only the middle of December, so I know it is going to get colder before it gets warm again. When it is too cold to smoke at work, I will have to smoke at home by myself before I go to work. I will miss seeing all of my coworkers in the morning and having that time of camaraderie, but I will be a lot warmer if I smoke a joint before I come to work.


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