Friends as well as family gathered for the funeral

One of my best friends was killed in a car crash when I was only 18 years old.

  • I was supposed to be riding beach house with the girl when she got into an accident.

The only reason I wasn’t with him is because my Dad ended up coming to the game that night as well as she wanted me to ride beach house with her. It was cold, wet, as well as I see outside. I never thought that would be the last time that I saw my best neighbor Jack. The girl swerved to avoid a deer in the middle of the road as well as she hit some black ice as well as ended up going over a cliff. I could not deal with the accident for multiple years. As friends as well as family gathered for the funeral, I retreated into a dark abyss. I didn’t come out of that dark hole until a couple of years ago. My bestie forced me to talk to a therapist about the things that I was feeling. The therapist thought I was suffering from PTSD symptoms. She requested a low dose medical marijuana problem, then no low dose medical marijuana product made it easier for me to sleep at night as well as I didn’t have as multiple nightmares. The medical marijuana also helps me talk more freely about Jack’s accident as well as the regret as well as sadness that I assume for not being in the car with him that day. My therapist said that everything that I am feeling is normal as well as she insisted that I continue with medical marijuana for at least a few more weeks.

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