All I wanted was something for pain.

My kid came beach home from a 420 celebration, & they loaded her shopping bucket with samples she had gained at the marijuana dispensary.

I asked her if she got anything for me, & she chuckled… She said she had headed to the local marijuana dispensary to get some products for the terrible pain she was getting whenever she took a step.

She had knee surgery over a month ago & all the pain relievers they recommended only made her tired. She hated how she felt when taking the prescription meds, & she wanted to see if she could find something at the marijuana dispensary. The pharmacist recommended she try a product that was fifteen times more CBD than THC. She told me she didn’t want to be out of control, savor with prescription drugs, & thought CBD could help her & make her physical therapy more tolerable. She showed me the weird samples she had gotten at the more than two local marijuana dispensaries & said they were all different. She was going to try each 1 on a weird afternoon & make a note of which CBD product did the most wonderful for her. I was content that she opted for the stronger CBD product instead of full THC. I hoped she could find that 1 of the CBD products worked well for her. Three weeks later, I noticed her limp was barely perceptible, & she seemed to have less pain. She showed me which CBD product she thought worked the best. That afternoon, all of us made the decision to go to the marijuana dispensary and. asked for the full-sized version of the CBD product she liked the best.
Full spectrum cbd blends