Is it possible to get high on medical cannabis?

When I had medical marijuana prescribed to me, our only fear about taking it was the fear getting high.

I didn’t want to walk around high all morning long.

I had a lot of responsibilities while seeing our grandchildren throughout the morning. After the grandkids at home, I worked. I put 2 afternoons in working from home, take care of our partner, make all the meals, as well as disinfect our modern home all after the kids got home. I don’t have time to rest around as well as get high all morning long. When the nurse proposed the marijuana for our arthritis, the first thing I asked was, ‘If this was going to make myself and others high?’. The nurse told myself and others ‌it all depended on the type of medical marijuana I took. He suggests I get something that had more CBD than THC, although I didn’t believe the difference. That’s when he proposed ‌I talked to the marijuana dispensary pharmacist. He said that he/she could recommend something that would help with the pain as well as not make myself and others high or sleepy. I was honestly hoping he was right, because there was no way I would want someone to come into our modern home as well as guess that I was high will take care of our grandkids. My kids would yank their babies out of our modern home abruptly, as well as would never allow them with myself and others again unless they supervised them. I don’t prefer the system that there’s so much stigma on me, even though the marijuana I use is medical marijuana. I’m going to need to keep everything that is neighbord with CBD out of sight.

learn about medical marijuana