My mental health is way better since I started using recreational marijuana

I have always struggled with depression! When I was a kid, I thought about running away in addition to I contemplated suicide, and my brain was entirely messed up in addition to neither 1 of my parents took the time to figure out why I was so sad in addition to depressed, and in high college, 1 of my guidance counselors told my parents that I was suffering from drastic depression in addition to generalized anxiety disorder.

When my parents found out that the counselor provided myself and others a special test, my parents got frustrated in addition to took myself and others out of college.

I finished the rest of my senior year at lake house in addition to got a diploma in the Homecollege program. I spent a year toiling at the grocery store in neighborhood before I realized that I entirely wanted to go to college. I applied to the Community College in addition to I was accepted. I spent two years at the community college in addition to after that all of us applied to a university. I didn’t have a lot of money in addition to neither did my parents, so I qualified for a bunch of financial aid in addition to grants. I also qualify for a scholarship. I moved away from lake house for the first time in my life in addition to it was a seriously eye-opening experience in addition to so was recreational marijuana; Smoking pot has changed my entire life. I decided to go to a college that is situated in a place with recreational marijuana. I started smoking pot as soon as I arrived on campus. I haven’t found anything else that has ever helped my mental health more. I have tried every prescription pill, but nothing comes close to weed.

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