Concentration and attention benefits from cannabis products

My doctor sort of surprised me about a year ago. He thought I might benefit from cannabis and we had a discussion about cannabis products. He knows how much I strive to manage my ADHD or at least that’s the diagnosis. As with so many physiological ailments, there is a broad spectrum when it comes to ADHD. That’s one of the reasons most people are stunned to hear that I’m a person with attention and concentration issues that stem from ADHD. Yet, I’m so not hyperactive at all. And that has nothing to do with the sativa I use, by the way. That’s one of the symptoms that most people with my condition normally suffer from. Not the case with me at all. Still, I have had such a challenge all my life just learning in school and now being a good employee. It feels like it just takes so much more effort for me to get things than it does others. But I have kept up with much of the latest therapies and nutritional aides. Still, when the doctor suggested I start treating with sativa products and certain indica strains, I was a bit shocked. I don’t use alcohol and just never thought to try weed. But wow, was the doctor ever so right. Once I started with the sativa products, I could feel a change happening. It wasn’t as though a light was switched on but there was real change and rapidly. Now it’s been a year and I’m pleased to state that I’ve never managed my ADHD better than with sativa strains.

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