I no longer recognized our web design.

I thought I had designed an excellent website for our marijuana dispensary.

I had followed all the guidelines given online, and I even paid for web hosting.

Even as beautiful as I thought our website was, it wasn’t working for the marijuana dispensary. I made several variations to the website, but nothing was happening. My brother told me that he couldn’t even find our website when he searched for it. I couldn’t figure out what had happened, despite the fact that I knew there was a concern and so did she. My brother told me the web design was all wrong when he came to our house. I showed his our website, but it did not impress her. She told me I needed a professional web design if I wanted our marijuana dispensary to thrive. She called a friend of hers who was a web design professional and asked if he could help. He had to come to the home since I could not make it live. Within hours, he showed me why our website wasn’t live and then he winced as he looked at the website. He told me the web design was weak and it wouldn’t attract business. There was no SEO to attract people to the website when they did a search. He gave his help with our web design, despite the fact that I would need to spend our savings him for his services, then he worked for an online web design supplier, and unless I wanted to spend our savings the supplier itself, I could spend our savings him. It would cost less and he could supply me more personal time.

Internet marketing cannabis dispensary