None of the speakers in the lounge were working

One of the best things about living in a state that has legal recreational and medical marijuana it is the activities.

Since marijuana is legal, places like cannabis lounges are popping up everywhere.

These places are areas where cannabis users can light up and smoke freely. There is a cannabis Lounge attached to the dispensary where I work. The lounge is only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. On Friday nights there is an open mic and anyone can perform for the crowd. We don’t have a lot of rules about who can hang out in the cannabis lounge. Most of the people will buy something from the cannabis shop, even if it isn’t marijuana products. We have a variety of snacks in the lounge that are for sale as well. These snacks include chips, crackers, pretzels, soda pop, and sweet tea. There is also a surround system inside of the lounge. The surround system is hooked up to the iPod dock and anyone can use the speakers. Last Saturday night I was working and the sound shut off in the lounge. There was a lot of music playing in the background and suddenly everything was quiet. None of the speakers in the lounge were working. My boss sent me to the lounge to figure out the problem, but I don’t know the first thing about speakers and music. I checked to make sure the system was plugged in, but after that I was just as clueless as the patrons in the dispensary. We didn’t get the sound working until one of the delivery drivers came back to the building.
Space cake