I wish I could afford the live rosin diamonds

There are several peculiar varieties of cannabis concentrate. Some are made from the plants after it has been slowly cured and some products are made directly after the plant is detached from the soil, however live rosin diamonds are 1 of the finest concentrate products on the market. Live rosin diamonds are made from the marijuana plant after a fresh harvest. All of the natural plant terpenes are retained while in the midst of the harvesting process. Live rosin diamonds are usually made using a cold press. This extraction procedure can be time-consuming and costly. It is 1 of the many reasons why live rosin is so costly to buy. Most live rosin marijuana products will run you around $80 per gram. The national average is even higher in states that do not allow for recreational marijuana sales. I cannot afford the live rosin diamonds. I tried them 1 time when some of my friends and I were at a celebration. The host of the celebration was a record supplier dude and all the people at the celebration was smoking pot or drinking. Some people were up in the bathroom doing other drugs too, but my friends and I didn’t go anywhere near that hard drug scene. Out by the pool, I tried the live rosin diamond product. I used my portable dabbing tool to vape the rosin product. I only needed 1 hit and I instantly felt the effects. Still, I cannot spend $80 for 1 gram of marijuana concentrate when there are so many other products that are under $30. Unless I hit the lottery or abruptly acquire some severe notoriety, I’m sticking to the cheapr live resin products that all taste fantastic and still get myself and others high.
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