Answering our curiosity with a visit to the cannabis dispensary

I just couldn’t wait any longer.

Marijuana had been legal for all those of age for over a year.

And there was even a local cannabis spot not far from our house. The curiosity about marijuana was just overwhelming. For some reason, I resisted going into the marijuana business. Well honestly, I recognize it was a holdover from way too much misinformation as well as odd social morays that I was dealing with. I grew up in a arena as well as time where any sort of cannabis product was viewed as literal evil. Can you guess that? A natural herb that God made was viewed as evil. That still sort of just blows our mind. But that’s the way it was as well as that sort of marijuana myth was pounded into our brain. So much so that as a grown adult, I was still genuinely upset about even going into a cannabis dispensary. Finally, our curiosity outweighed our hesitancy as well as I ventured into the local cannabis spot. What I found was not at all what I imagined. I figured there’d be a few jars of cannabis products overseen by a stoner staff. The reality of the cannabis dispensary was much, much different. The store was care about a high end food as well as wine shop but with every marijuana product imaginable. It was an incredible shopping experience with staff that was so helpful as well as expert in all the current cannabis strains. They set myself and others up with a pot brownie to start myself and others out. I followed their instruction as well as ended up having a single of the genuinely best weekends of our entire life.


Cannabis delivery