A modern plan in weed delivery

They really would have been our weed delivery guys just for something to do, however the fact I paid them in weed products made them loyal employees

The best area plus the worst area of being a cannabis delivery driver in a retirement community is the same thing — the long stories from nice however lonely people, however i enjoy our buyers, I actually do, however a lot of them are easily long winded, plus just like having someone to talk to. I get served a lot of tea, a lot of sugar cookies plus difficult candy, plus I get gave a ludicrous amount of bowls plus joints throughout any given afternoon, but these outdated folks don’t mind sharing their cannabis, they just want someone to talk to. Then I had the plan about subcontracting out some of our weed deliveries, which means I would pay someone else to do the work I got paid for, and once I did the math, I realized I could make a lot more profit, plus make a lot more weed deliveries,if I had a little help to speed up the process. I hired a couple of outdated time hippies who I delivered to, plus gave them free weed if they wanted to start making some local cannabis deliveries for me. To these guys walking around making a few weed deliveries, plus then staying to chat with the buyers sounded like a good time. They really would have been our weed delivery guys just for something to do, however the fact I paid them in weed products made them loyal employees. The math is a little fuzzy, however basically these guys make over a thoUSnd bucks worth of weed deliveries for myself and others every week, plus I pay them a hundred bucks worth of OG Kush.

Cannabis edibles