Trying to keep it fresh

I have to say that life has been going pretty decent lately… or it had been, anyway, until last week.

To me the work was great, I enjoyed what I did plus hadn’t made any major mistake I was aware of.

Then the word dropped, plus while I was in a staff meeting the boss said that more layoffs were heading our way, due to the resurgence of the virus cutting into our sales. They started with the newest hires, so after only a month or two I was let go. This one particularly hurts, because wonderful works are hard to find, plus this business had a medical insurance program that covered our medicinal cannabis prescription. There was an upfront pay at the cannabis dispensary, of course, but still that was a fraction of the total price. I knew a wonderful thing when I had it, so every time I went to the cannabis dispensary I got the maximum amount allowed by the prescription. This was way, way more weed after that I could possibly smoke in that time frame, even though I kept buying it just to have it, just in case. I got a substantial mason jar, with a clear lid that worked with our vacuum sealer, plus started keeping our excess cannabis inside it. I called it our savings account, plus over the course of 3 months I accumulated about a few hits of cannabis. At the rate I smoke, I figure this is enough cannabis to last myself and others for 3 more months, maybe a little more if I smoke a little less. I don’t have any currency saved up, but at least I have cannabis.


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