I forgot to bring my vape pen in from the car.

I can be quite forgetful at times.

I don’t do it on purpose, but I get so busy that some things get forgotten. Last week it had nothing to do with being forgetful, but that I had a lot on my mind. I had been backing out of a parking space, and I backed right into a state police officer. He was not a happy cop when he got out of his car. He had to crawl across the seat and get out on the passenger side. I had caved in his entire driver’s side door. Not only did he read me the riot act, but he gave me a ticket for reckless driving. He checked my sobriety, and he told me I was lucky he didn’t take me in for assaulting an office. I knew my insurance company was probably going to drop, or at the very least, they were going to raise my rates so high I couldn’t afford to buy insurance. I finally got home and all I wanted to do was grab my groceries and go into the house. I filled my arms with groceries, and walked inside. I grabbed out a bowl and packed it with my favorite marijuana. By the time I was done putting away the groceries and smoking my bowl, I was ready to sit down and just vegetate. I wanted to forget about my day. I did forget about my day, and I also forgot about the vape pen that was on the car seat. When I got up in the morning, it was already hot and humid. I looked in the car and I was ready to scream. The cartridge from the vape pen had leaked all over my seat.



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