A lot of purple cannabis strains are indicas

It was a mixture of calmness, euphoria, and instant sedation.

My family is full of alcohol drinkers. I was raised to believe that the true way to unwind after a stressful day of working is to have a few strong alcoholic drinks. The addiction melts your brain and can turn some people into monsters. Although I’m not against having a drink every now and then myself, I am aware of the dangers associated with regular drinking. It’s frustrating because I struggle with insomnia and I have for years. It was tempting to use alcohol to treat my insomnia in college, but I looked for other options thankfully. Usually I cycled between melatonin supplements, valerian root capsules, and benadryl allergy medication. Although they all helped my insomnia to some degree, none of them worked as well as cannabis once I finally discovered it years later. One of my closest friends had heard about my plight with insomnia and offered to let me try what he said was his strongest indica strain on record. I had no idea what an indica strain was, nor did I grasp the importance of this batch being the strongest indica strain that my weed smoking friend had personally ever tried. I agreed to spend the night if it got as crazy as he worried it would be, but I wasn’t deterred. When the weed kicked in minutes after my last exhale, it came on like a freight train. It was a mixture of calmness, euphoria, and instant sedation. I think I slept for four hours straight on his couch after passing out minutes after smoking with him. Now I have a selection of indica strains in my fridge, many of which are purple in color. I have been told that many indica flower buds exhibit purple colors during the flowering stage, but I know that temperature and nutrient levels can have as much of an effect on color as anything else.



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