Cannabis and date night go hand in hand

It’s funny the little traditions in a relationship that carry on.

I’m so fortunate to be in the same relationship for nearly 40 years now.

And I’m even more fortunate that said relationship is with my very best friend. My wife and I have always been so bonded to each other. We met over some recreational marijuana when we were in college. And it was just about instant for both of us. And recently, we added cannabis to one of our most steady traditions spanning all these decades. My wife and I were doing date night from the very beginning. Not social stuff but planned outings where it was just the two of us. There weren’t more than a dozen weeks in our entire marriage we didn’t have a date night. Once recreational marijuana was legalized not so long ago, we decided to go back to our roots with some cannabis. And it was a blast. We started out our date night by going shopping for marijuana for sale. Neither of us thought that would be something that we would get to do in our lifetime. But there we were picking out a sampler of some hybrid strains for sale. My wife also bought some cannabis edibles as neither of us had tried those. It was such an awesome night. We grilled out and she selected the wine. The tunes were cranked as we sat on our deck reveling in just how lucky we really are. We loved raising a family and we’re thrilled they’ve all turned out to be good people. But we also love having an empty house so we can enjoy cannabis products a bit more frequently since it’s just us.


recreational cannabis store

Learning all about the cannabis dispensary

I have to say that I’ve always been a bit more that curious about marijuana.

But for nearly all of my adult life, cannabis products have been illegal. For me, that’s sort of where curiosity met an unyielding reality. I wasn’t about to jeopardize my career or my standing in the community over a marijuana possession charge. So there was just no question really for me when it came to experimenting with recreational marijuana. Even in college, when almost everybody was smoking weed, I steered clear and kept my nose in the books. But then again, I’ve never been a real big partier and that was certainly the case in college as well. A couple of years ago, recreational marijuana was legalized. First, we had medical marijuana in this state and it was a big success. Not only did so many people get the benefits they needed from medical marijuana, it was a huge tax windfall as well. Having had the medical marijuana situation go so well, recreational marijuana passed pretty easily. Once that happened, that harsh reality of cannabis products being illegal suddenly changed. And so my curiosity was piqued again and I was really interested in giving cannabis a try. So I walked into the local cannabis dispensary and was met with a kind hello that was followed by all kinds of cannabis education. I ended up getting a little bit of a sampler pack that included sativa, indica and some special hybrid strains for sale at the cannabis dispensary. I went home and tried the sativa first and I was blown away by how wonderful I felt. Now I know a little bit more about marijuana and it won’t be my last visit to the local cannabis spot.

recreational weed store

Loving my time at the cannabis cafe

It doesn’t take that much to make me happy.

And I think that’s actually a pretty good thing.

I’m for sure a cheap date. Shoot, a bottle of decent red, good company and a nice view is my kind of wonderful. So I keep it pretty basic when it comes to what makes life worth living. Add to the aforementioned date a nice puff or three on some good purple haze and I’m totally golden. So with that said, I really enjoy my mornings off starting with a trip to the cannabis cafe. That’s really my only full on, weekly luxury and I love it. It’s like get out of bed, shower, dress and out the door to the cannabis cafe. That first sip of whatever phenomenal blend I choose is like a precious few seconds that I savor like I’m dying. I work down about half that java while I decide which cannabis edible will be my prize for the morning. There is no loser on that menu. From the awesome pastries to the old school pot brownie, it’s all outstanding. And who doesn’t love a pot brownie first thing in the morning. But I just nibble because I’m pacing myself for whatever adventure awaits. I always have some options on those days but thanks to that yummy, recreational marijuana, I’m super open to spontaneous choices. I work really hard at a job that I enjoy. But it’s still a job. So my time at the cannabis cafe brings me the balance and perspective that makes me remember life is simple and good.


Marijuana for sale

The doctor insisted marijuana might be able to help

My mom went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago because she is having a lot of chronic pain in her knee and hip.

The pain is from getting older and the cold weather doesn’t help.

When my mom went the last time, the doctor suggested that marijuana might be able to help. My mom told my dad about the advice she got from the doctor and my dad said that the doctor was a quack. My dad told my mom to go somewhere else. I told my mom that the doctor was probably right. I was using medical marijuana and it was helping with a lot of problems. Not only do I have PTSD from childhood trauma, but I also have a terrible problem with anxiety. Marijuana helps with both of these things. I finally talked my mom into going to a marijuana treatment facility. She wanted to talk to someone that was well aware of all of the side effects. The doctor at the treatment facility agreed with the first diagnosis. My mom’s pain was chronic and could absolutely be helped by a low dose medical marijuana product. My mom was ready to go look at some of the items at the marijuana shop, but she had to wait a little while before she could get a card in the mail. After the car arrived, I took my mom to the marijuana shop so we could look at the different products. My mom even got a 50% off discount on everything in her first purchase. I think that made her want to spend even more money.
medical marijuana education

I didn't think I would be late for work

I honestly didn’t think I was going to be late for work this morning.

I overslept by 15 minutes, but I didn’t think those extra minutes were going to be a big deal.

I got into the shower and washed my face, hair, and body. I made a cup of coffee for my insulated thermos. I left the house around 7:00, instead of 6:45. Those extra 15 minutes made a huge difference. There was already traffic on the interstate by the time I made it to my exit. There really weren’t many cars on the highway when I left earlier, but the traffic was packed side to side when everyone was on their way to work at the same time. I planned to stop at the marijuana dispensary to pick up a new battery for my vape pen. I thought I would grab a battery and a new vape pen cartridge while I was there. My sativa vape pen cartridge is blue dream. It’s probably my favorite sativa, but the Blue Dream vape pen cartridge was running low. I was going to grab a new battery and another blue dream vape pen cartridge. Unfortunately, the extra 15 minutes made me late. There was no way that I could stop for a battery or anything else. I wasn’t going to get off the interstate and risk being late. My boss has been breathing down my neck. I screwed up on an order a couple of weeks ago and the boss has not let me forget about it. I think he would have fired me if I wasn’t such a huge asset to the company.


medical marijuana products

The day kept getting longer and longer

I woke up in the morning and it was very early.

The sun was not quite shining yet, but I could see a small amount of light outside.

I let my dogs outside to pee. They have a small yard, but they like to run around for a little bit of time while I go to the bathroom in the morning. We all go at the same time. I bring the dogs inside and then I have coffee and take a shower. My day usually starts pretty early, but I’m usually home by 4:00. I don’t like to get up early and stay out late. I prefer to be at home and asleep by 9:00 p.m. if possible. I had some problems at the office on friday. I forgot to bring my marijuana vape pen. Usually I leave the marijuana vape pen in my car and I sneak outside if I am feeling unusually stressed. I found out that I had to stay until 6:00 p.m. that was the one time I had to work late and I forgot to bring the marijuana vape pen with me. When 6:00 was getting close, the boss came into the office to tell everyone that some of the crew was going to leave but some of us including myself were going to stay a little bit later to continue getting paperwork filed. I did not get home until after 10:00 p.m. I stopped at a dispensary on the way home from the office and I picked up a disposable marijuana vape pen. I puffed on the vape pen the whole way home.

cannabis candy products

I love when the dispensary near me has a sale

My friends and I planned to go camping all weekend. Camping is a fun activity that all of us like to do when the weather is warm and sunny. We take all of our fishing poles, bait, and tackle boxes and go to the lake where there are a couple of cabins. The cabins don’t have any heat or air conditioning. They are basically a large shelter that is more sturdy than a tent. When my friends and I discussed going camping for the weekend, each one of us took on the responsibility to handle something for the weekend. It was my responsibility to make sure there was enough marijuana for everyone. That was my only responsibility. I did not have to pay for the cabin, but I was supposed to make sure that we had plenty of marijuana. I went to the dispensary near me because they were having a sale. I love when the dispensary near me has a sale, because they always offer low prices. The week before my friends and I went camping, I got my favorite pre-rolls buy one and get one for half off. There was no limit either. I had to stick within my daily limits, but I bought four and I got four four free. I also bought a couple of concentrates that were half price because the boxes were damaged. My friends and I had more than a half ounce of assorted marijuana flower as well. I really love when the dispensary near me has a sale, especially before my friends and I are getting ready to go camping.


cannabis education

I was new to the cannabis dispensary

Admittedly, I was pretty nervous.

I was going to a cannabis dispensary today.

But before I go into that and my experience there, let me tell you how I ended up in this situation to begin with. It all started when I was in my early 20s. I don’t know what happened, but it seems like one day I started having random panic attacks. The anxiety was real, and it was incredibly hard to deal with. But that wasn’t the hardest part, the hardest part was finding people that understood. Most people just told me to deal with it or that it was all in my head. I tried different prescribed pills, but then I just felt numb. I didn’t want to deal with this feeling anymore, and that is when I tried a medical marijuana doctor, he recommended giving medical marijuana a try. I had nothing to lose at this point, and so after months of struggle, I found myself in the parking lot of a medical cannabis store. I had already gotten my medical marijuana card. It was actually pretty easy, I just got my medical marijuana card online after filling out a medical marijuana card application. When I went inside the building, I was amazed by the variety they had. The cannabis budtender helped me find what I was looking for, and I took the time to get to know some of the people there. I ended up talking to a really cool guy there, and he revealed that he suffered from panic attacks and anxiety too, and how medical cannabis is a life changer. I felt much more comfortable going to the medical marijuana store after that.


Medical Marijuana Cards Online

Medical marijuana education was needed for my family

We have come a long way from where we used to be, but yet we are still far away from where we should be.

There are still people with heavy prejudices, and unfortunately I have a feeling that it will always be that way.

There are always going to be people that have negative thoughts and feelings. However, education goes a long way to change that. Oftentimes people aren’t informed on some subjects and once they learn more they change their minds. I knew that I would have a long way to go in order to change my family’s viewpoint. Even though they taught me from a young age that marijuana users are losers and other horrible thoughts, I never believed. My opinion was further solidified when I learned of medical marijuana and how it could help people. I started by learning the cannabis rules and regulations, and attending cannabis events. This is where I got to meet people who used medical cannabis products, and I learned about how it turned their lives around. Then I took what I learned and told my family, as I figured, I was met with skepticism. So I brought one of my friends who used cbd products. My parents were not aware that he was what they would call “one of those people”. They ended up getting along with him great, and then when he revealed the truth, they were stunned! However, I think they are slowly changing their minds, because they still talk to him, and they even considered attending a cannabis dispensary event!


Medical Marijuana Certifications

Topical for gymnast pain

I was a college gymnast.

I was constantly working on the next best thing and pushing my body.

I constantly was fighting injuries. I wore a knee brace, wrist brace and taped my ankles. I also regularly soaked in a hot tub and got massages. Combine this with daily stretching and working out, I hardly noticed the pain. After I graduated college and joined the workforce, I couldn’t do the high intensity training that I did. Instead I do a much more relaxed workout everyday. I try to stretch every day, but it doesn’t always happen. My injuries have caught up to me. My knees, hips and ankles hurt. My back flares up occasionally. I started worrying that I would need a steroid injection for the pain. I also was concerned my doctor would want to give me pain pills. I then found that medical cannabis is a solution. With medical need it is a natural product with no side effects. I also don’t need to get high or even smoke something. My budtender actually suggested a topical for my issues. This is a CBD cream that applies directly to the inflamed areas. It reduces inflammation in the body and relaxes my muscles. I noticed that after using the cream I felt great. I had more mobility and felt way better. If I missed a day with the cream I felt just awful. It really does a great job. It is like a more powerful icy hot. It makes the area tingle and numbs it a bit. It also smells really nice.


medical marijuana benefits