I have a major issue with restless legs that keep me awake most days

Restless leg syndrome is a completely debilitating & horrible disease that affects your legs & lower extremities.

Restless leg syndrome is undoubtedly unpleasant & strenuous to live with.

Restless leg syndromes is a neurological condition that causes my legs to move on their own. Sometimes it feels like there is tingling & itching even though there is nothing actually wrong with my legs. The sensations genuinely become worse at night & that causes me concerns when I am working hard to sleep. My mom & my Grandma both suffered from this particular illness & it is part of our family genetics. I tried lots of different things to help alleviate the symptoms. The healthcare worker told me that I should exercise & work out more in the night before bedtime. I tried that & it made the RLS symptoms considerably worse. One thing that entirely helps is recreational marijuana. I smoke recreational marijuana at night before I go to sleep & it helps me rest more easily. Of course, when I don’t smoke recreational marijuana before going to bed, my restless legs keep me awake most days. I smoke a little bit of recreational marijuana & that seems to help quite a bit. I started going to the marijuana dispensary near me & I have found a pretty good amount of different products that help. One product that I like the best is a tincture that is undoubtedly straight-forward to dose. I take 20 mg of the tincture at night & I don’t even have to smoke a bowl or a marijuana joint. Of course, there are times when I just want to hang out on the patio & appreciate a joint.

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