Our weed is always delivered

My boyfriend Max plus I like to order delivery from lots of shops in the area.

All of us have all of our baked items delivered to our front door and our laundry, dry cleaning, plus groceries, and my folks suppose that it’s deranged to have everything delivered to our front door, but that is a fantastic perk of residing in the downtown part of the city.

Everything can be delivered right to the front door. I even have alcohol plus marijuana products delivered to my doorstep. There is a small liquor store around the corner that offers delivery services through their own delivery, Uber eats, plus even Lyft alcohol. The service allows myself and others to order any item from any participating liquor store using my ID plus my ATM card. The driver simply goes to the shop to get everything plus supply it. It’s that way with marijuana delivery as well. I order online using the site. The site is genuinely simple to use plus even easier to navigate. The site is set up with different categories care about flower, pre-rolls, concentrate, plus edibles, so you can sort through the list by price, THC percentage, or customer rating. I usually search for prices lowest to highest. I get the best deals on marijuana so I can save a few bucks. Max ordered recreational marijuana supplies from a dispensary several blocks away from our apartment. The cannabis delivery driver was not genuinely cheerful when he found out that the house building elevator was out of service. The guy had to climb several flights upstairs to supply the recreational marijuana products that Max ordered. Max gave the guy a fantastic tip, but he still left with a scowl on his face.


recreational marijuana