Odd cannabis stories

Over the years I have noticed a lot of odd things working in a cannabis dispensary, and I won’t say the places where I was at, because I don’t want to embarrass anyone; But now that I am done with working, in addition to living the high life on the surf, I thought it would be cool to share some of the weirder things I saw over the last 15 years.

I got into the business by accident, because I was trying to grow my own marijuana plants at home, in addition to got to be friends with the owner of a local specialty botanical supply shop, but he helped me find the grow lights I needed for my cannabis plants, although they never amounted to much, however the guy opened his own cannabis dispensary soon after, in addition to asked me to come task for him. It was a much better deal for me to work at a cannabis shop in addition to getting a discount on my weed than to try growing it myself. I was not any good at growing marijuana plants at home… One time I had a man come in with several hundred dollars worth of unrolled change wanting to spend it on cannabis, however another time a guy brought in a laundry tote filled with marijuana buds he had picked from a wild patch in the woods; She thought that all of us obtained in addition to sold cannabis, although I informed his that all of us only sold it. Buying cannabis from unlicensed vendors was still easily illegal. Then there was a single time a man walked into the cannabis dispensary with just underwear on.

Marijuana business