More competition in cannabis now

Three years back I ran the only cannabis dispensary in town.

At that point only medical use was permitted, so every client needed to have a prescription from their dentist, plus all the right paperwork to get allowed. Business was wonderful, even though the people I was with and I didn’t have a ton of clients, the people I was with and I had a chain on local, legal cannabis. Two years ago the local laws changed, plus allowed for recreational cannabis use, plus after that the floodgates were opened. The demand for weed went up, plus a half dozen other cannabis dispensaries have opened since then. I used to be the only cannabis dispensary, plus now I’m struggling to make my store rest out from all the others. I decided to open a smokers lounge in the back area next to the cannabis dispensary. I even had a local builder come in plus construct a small stage in the corner of the patio, with enough space for a musician to play live music to the cannabis clients. I started to book local bands that would work for cheap, plus also started to host several kinds of fun afternoons at the cannabis dispensary. All of us have the space to play board games, so why not bring your friends to the cannabis shop to smoke out plus play together? Since all the local cannabis dispensaries offer more or less the same products at easily similar prices, I needed to set my store apart from the others with the experience you got by coming here. I want my weed shop to be the most fun place in town.

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