Cannabis dispensary coming to town

I have been ready for this for some time now.

The state I live in, as backward as it can be, legalized medical marijuana.

And I’m taking full advantage of that fact. I’ve been treating my anxiety disorder with medical marijuana for a long time now. But this has been something that has led to additional anxiety for me. One, cannabis in any form has been illegal until now. And two, I never knew just where I was going to get the sativa products that I rely upon to help me with anxiety. I was never a recreational marijuana user. In fact, the first time I tried cannabis it was from a friend who had a medical marijuana card in another state. She suffered from much the same thing as I did. Her experience with medical marijuana was so transformational, she just had to share it with me. And I was stunned to find that after less than a week of treating with medical marijuana, I felt a change. It was small at first but it grew. Cannabis and in particular, sativa products, simply removed a weight and fear from me. I didn’t really have to even try. Suddenly, things were just much more approachable and I wasn’t filled with fear just trying to get ready for work. It changed my life. So when the state legalized medical marijuana, I was one of the first to get a medical marijuana card. Now, there is a new cannabis dispensary about to open and I’m going to be one of the very first in line.

recreational marijuana store