We got pizza from Alfredo’s on 420

The entire cannabis shop was busy on 420. It’s not a surprise since it’s the biggest cannabis holiday of the year. People all over the world celebrate the fun day. We had people waiting in line outside the door when we opened the shop and we had people coming in and out of the building all day. A couple of our top sponsors donated free items for the celebration and we gave out a goodie bag to any person making a purchase over $50. I worked on that day from 8 a.m. until 8 pm. The store was filled with people when I arrived. Nobody had time to stop and eat lunch, because the cannabis shop was busy. Around 2, a pizza delivery driver from Alfredo’s arrived. The guy had an armful of pizzas and they smelled so good. Alfredo’s has the absolute best pizza in town. They make their own marinara and they have hand sliced pepperoni from Italy. They are an expensive place to eat and I knew my boss probably spent $200 on pizza. Everyone was excited to see the pizza, because we were all starving by that time. We closed the shop from 2 until 2:30 and put a sign on the door for lunch. We enjoyed a couple of slices of pizza and then we were back to work. When the shop closed at the end of the day, our daily cannabis sales were double the amount of the previous Monday and that was after every person received a 25% discount on their cannabis purchase.

Purple cannabis