The cannabis delivery service no longer comes to my area

Back in the 1990s many of us ordered pizza with no additional charges from the restaurant.

You always expected to leave a tip for the driver, but I only remember rare instances where there was a separate “delivery fee” tacked onto the total after taxes.

This all changed in the early 2000s as major pizza chains all started adopting delivery fees in unison as oil prices soared before and during the Great Recession. I stopped ordering pizzas by delivery except on special occasions as it was simply easier to pick them up on my way home from work so my family could eat upon my arrival. That way you don’t even have to set aside money for a tip since they hand you the boxes of pizza over the counter. However, I had no choice but to order my cannabis products via delivery for the first year that cannabis was legal in this state. The closest dispensary was an hour away and I hated the traffic trying to get there. I would pay a small delivery fee and get my cannabis products brought to my door. But now that there are more retail locations around the state, this same cannabis dispensary’s delivery service no longer delivers to my area. Their store is 30 minutes away, but it has horrendous parking due to its exact location downtown. At a certain point I couldn’t justify the time it would consume out of my day just to stop at a dispensary that was already slipping on the quality of its products in the first place. This cannabis dispensary lost a lot of quality customers when they rolled back much of their cannabis delivery services.



Cannabis delivery service