What to bring to the party?

My best friend and I were up to no good last summer.

We had returned back to the condo after the virus hit because we got laid off.

I had thought of staying alone in our apartment, even though she convinced me to come home. It would be so much fun hanging out together like we did as kids. My parents were so happy to have all of us at home. We’d spend all afternoon lounging and hanging by the pool since there wasn’t much else to do. My best friend planned to relax for a month then start looking for another job. One afternoon, she called me and said our friend Robby had a few friends over to his condo since his parents were out of town. My friend and I got ready as we thought of what to bring to the get-together. Every one of us knew there’d only been a small number of people, so I suggested we take some pot brownies. They were simple, and all the people loved edibles. We went to the local cannabis dispensary to get the pot brownies and ended up browning. They had some modern cannabis products that piqued our interest. Also, our friend wanted to check the CBD oil and green cannabis. Every one of us didn’t realize how much time had passed inside the marijuana dispensary until our iphone rang. It was our buddy asking where we were since the party was going in full swing. I loved looking at the cannabis selection.

Medical cannabis