Life is pretty crazy right now

Small city life is pretty vacant, & a lot of people have a desire to make things “the way they used to be.” People use this as a reason to resist change, or even worse get upset about change; When pot legalization came up during the last state elections, this whole town lost its collective mind, but people were angry about it, people put up signs & made a sizable fuss… Of course legalization went through, all of us all knew it would, so then the neighborhood focused on passing a local ordinance to prohibit any cannabis dispensaries from opening within the neighborhood limits.

This is nice with me, because I have been secretly growing & selling marijuana for the last few years, & I don’t need the stress, and it’s funny to me that a few of the people fighting against the cannabis dispensary are buying from me on the sly, no 1 dares be open about using weed, however lots of people do… thanks to me.

I have a small field of marijuana crops deep on my parent’s farmland. This is not an active farm land, thanks to government subsidies. My parents make more money by not growing anything, so I use the land for some marijuana plants. I don’t go crazy with it, I haven’t expanded my marijuana field in over a year, because I don’t want to grow so much that it will draw attention, but even if the cannabis dispensary does open, several of the people won’t want to buy weed in public, so maybe it won’t affect my place at all.


Cannabis edibles